Fact 1. Both presidential candidates praise that the US is energy independent.
Fact 2. The largest part of energy independence comes from the production of fossil fuels.
Fact 3. In 2024, the US, the world’s largest producer of fossil fuels, is expected to surpass its record amount produced in 2023.
Fact 4. Neither of the presidential candidates advocate decreasing US production of fossil fuels.
Fact 5. Fossil fuels, wherever they are consumed, are the largest contributor to emissions of CO2.
Fact 6. CO2 accumulates and remains in the atmosphere for exceedingly long times.
Fact 7. Unless immediate actions to drastically reduce the production of fossil fuels are taken:
High Probability 1. Emissions of CO2 will continue to accumulate in the atmosphere and oceans.
High Probability 2. CO2 will or has reached tipping points beyond which continued production of greenhouse gases will cause exponential increases in temperature and further disruption of climatic processes.
High Probability 3. Technology will be unable to respond adequately to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Emotional response 1. No one wants to challenge growth and progress in the economy.
“Gas prices are too high.” “Medical advances are great.” “AI will make life better.”
“Higher education cost too much money.” “I want to fly to …… on my vacation.”
“I want a bigger house or cheaper apartment.” “We need a larger defense force.”
Emotional response 2. Energy companies are to blame. Banks are to blame. The government is to blame. Capitalism is to blame.
Emotional response 3. Technology will provide solutions to the problems of climate change.
Emotional response 4. We are worried, but do not know what to do.
Emotional response 5. We can do nothing, so let us simply continue to deal with the social, economic, and political problems of the day.
The facts and high probabilities, as listed above, coupled with the continuation of many emotional responses can only result in the disintegration of modern societies. Should we and our leaders not be talking about the ways we can best maintain our humanity within the evolution of life on Earth?
Al Urquhart 9/17/2024